Source code for table_compositor.html_writer

from itertools import groupby

from table_compositor.grid import (
from table_compositor.presentation_model import StyleWrapper

[docs]class HTMLWriter: @staticmethod def _wrap_table_element(element, attrs, value): _attrs = " ".join("{}='{}'".format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(attrs.items())) _attrs = _attrs.strip(" ") _attrs = " " + _attrs if _attrs else "" s = "<{elem}{elem_attr}>{v}</{elem}>\n".format( elem=element, elem_attr=_attrs, v=value ) return s @staticmethod def style_to_str(style): """ convert td_style to str in inline css format. """ if isinstance(style, StyleWrapper): style = style.user_style._asdict() if hasattr(style, "_asdict"): # for named tuples style = style._asdict() if isinstance(style, str): return style d = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in style.items()} d = ";".join("{}:{}".format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(d.items()) if v) return d @staticmethod def _to_html(row_col_dict, **kwargs): """ Args: row_col_dict: dict with (0, 0, 0, 0) : (Value, Style) """ def wrap_tr(offsets): s = [] nesting_level = row_col_dict[offsets[0]].nesting_level for offset in offsets: row_span = offset.end_row - offset.start_row + 1 col_span = offset.end_col - offset.start_col + 1 value = row_col_dict[offset].value style = row_col_dict[offset].style_wrapper.user_style style = HTMLWriter.style_to_str(style) td_attr = dict(rowspan=row_span, colspan=col_span, style=style) if nesting_level > row_col_dict[offset].nesting_level: # we have encountered a nested table inner_html = HTMLWriter._to_html(value) else: inner_html = value td = HTMLWriter._wrap_table_element("td", td_attr, inner_html) s.extend(td) tr = HTMLWriter._wrap_table_element("tr", {}, "".join(s)) return tr trs = [] for _, offsets in groupby(sorted(row_col_dict), key=lambda x: (x[0])): trs.append(wrap_tr(list(offsets))) table_attrs = kwargs or dict() return HTMLWriter._wrap_table_element("table", table_attrs, "".join(trs)) @staticmethod def _to_html_from_grid(grid, **kwargs): """ Built the HTML table by nested cell in each grid in its own table """ new_grid = GridLayoutManager.apply_func_to_grid( grid, lambda i, c, row_col_dict: HTMLWriter._to_html(row_col_dict, **kwargs) ) html = ["<table>"] for i, values in enumerate(new_grid): html.append("<tr>") for j, value in enumerate(values): if not value: html.append("<td></td>") else: html.append("<td>") html.append(value) html.append("</td>") html.append("</tr>") html.append("</table>") return "".join(html) @staticmethod def _grid_to_html(cell, **kwargs): if isinstance(cell.children, dict): html = HTMLWriter._to_html(cell.children, **kwargs) return html if isinstance(cell.children, Cell): return HTMLWriter._grid_to_html(cell.children, **kwargs) tables = [] if isinstance(cell.children, list): for c in cell.children: tables.append(HTMLWriter._grid_to_html(c, **kwargs)) if len(tables) == 1: return tables[0] html = "" for table in tables: if cell.vertical: html += ( '<tr style="vertical-align:top;"><td style="vertical-align:top;">' + table + "</td></tr>" ) else: html += '<td style="vertical-align:top">' + table + "</td>" return "<table>" + html + "</table>"
[docs] @staticmethod def to_html(layout, orientation="vertical", **kwargs): """ Take a layout which contains a list of presentation models builts using the build_presentation_model function. Args: layout: An nested list of presentation_models, examples: [presentation_model] or [presentation_model1, presentation_mode2]. Not all nested layouts work very well in HTML, currently orientation: if vertical, the top level presentation model elements are rendered vertically, and for every nested level the orientation is flipped. if horizontal, then the behavior is inverse kwargs: all key-value pairs available in kwargs are directly set as value of the style attribute of `table` tag. example dict(backgroud-color='#FF88FF'), is used as <table style='background-color:#FF88FF'>..</table> Returns: Return a HTML formatted string. The outermost tag of the returned string is the `<table>` """ if not isinstance(layout, list): layout = [layout] # grid = GridLayoutManager.compute_grid(layout, orientation) grid = GridLayoutManager.get_non_shifted_row_col_dict(layout, orientation) return HTMLWriter._grid_to_html(grid, **kwargs)