Source code for table_compositor.xlsx_styles

from functools import lru_cache

from openpyxl.styles import (

SENTINEL = object()

[docs]class OpenPyxlStyleHelper: # good reference: # DOLLAR_FORMAT = '_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)' CENTS_FORMAT = '_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)' # without dollar sign, but has same rendering format for currency GENERAL_CURRENCY_FORMAT = '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)' PERCENT_FORMAT = "0.00%" class CustomBorders: thin_white = Side(border_style="thin", color="FFFFFF") thick_white = Side(border_style="thick", color="FFFFFF") thin_black = Side(border_style="thin", color="000000") thick_black = Side(border_style="thick", color="000000") border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) left_border = Border( left=thick_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) right_border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thick_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) top_right_border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thin_black, top=thin_black, bottom=thin_white ) top_left_border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thin_black, top=thin_black, bottom=thin_white ) top_border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_black, bottom=thin_white ) bottom_right_border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thin_black, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_black ) bottom_left_border = Border( left=thin_black, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_black ) bottom_border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_black ) thin_border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) thin_black_border = Border( left=thin_black, right=thin_black, top=thin_black, bottom=thin_black ) thin_white_border = Border( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) thick_side_border = Border( left=thick_white, right=thick_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white )
[docs] @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def default_header_style( *, alignment="center", font=Font(bold=True, color="FFFFFF"), bgColor="4F81BD", border=SENTINEL, ): """ Provides styles for default headers for OpenPyxl engine Args: alignment: 'center', 'left', 'right' used for horizontal alignment font: an openpyxl.Font instance bgColor: hex color that will be used as background color in the fill pattern border: an openpyxl.Border instance, defaults to thin white border Returns: A dict of key-values pairs, where each key is a attr of the `cell` object in openyxl and value is valid value of that attr. """ if border is SENTINEL: border = OpenPyxlStyleHelper.CustomBorders.thin_white_border return dict( alignment=Alignment(horizontal=alignment), font=font, fill=PatternFill(patternType="solid", fgColor=bgColor), border=border, )
[docs] @staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_style(number_format="General", bg_color=None, border=None, font=None): """ Helper method to return a openpyxl Style Args: number_format: an xlsx compatibale number format string bg_color: hex color that will be used as background color in the fill pattern border: an openpyxl.Border instance, defaults to thin white border Returns: A dict of key-values pairs, where each key is a attr of the `cell` object in openyxl and value is valid value of that attr. """ pattern_fill = PatternFill() if bg_color: pattern_fill = PatternFill( fgColor=Color(bg_color), patternType=fills.FILL_SOLID ) border = border or Border() result = dict(fill=pattern_fill, border=border, number_format=number_format) if font is not None: result["font"] = font return result
[docs]class XLSXWriterDefaults: """ Class provides defaults callback funcs that can be used while calling the build_presentation_model. """
[docs] @staticmethod def data_value_func(df): """ Default value that can be used as callback for data_value_func Args: df: the dataframe that will be used to build the presentation model Returns: A function that takes idx, col as arguments and returns the df.loc[idx, col] value """ def _value_func(r, c): return df.loc[r, c] return _value_func
[docs] @staticmethod def data_style_func(df): """ Default value that can be used as callback for data_style_func Args: df: the dataframe that will be used to build the presentation model Returns: a function table takes idx, col as arguments and returns a openpyxl compatible style dictionary """ def _style_func(r, c): return OpenPyxlStyleHelper.get_style() return _style_func
[docs] @staticmethod def header_value_func(df): """ Default value that can be used as callback for data_header_func Args: df: the dataframe that will be used to build the presentation model Returns: a function table takes `node` as arguments and returns node.value """ def _value_func(node): return node.value return _value_func
[docs] @staticmethod def header_style_func(df): """ Default value that can be used as callback for data_style_func Args: df: the dataframe that will be used to build the presentation model Returns: a function table takes `node` as arguments and returns a openpyxl compatible style dictionary """ def _style_func(node): return OpenPyxlStyleHelper.default_header_style() return _style_func
[docs] @staticmethod def index_value_func(df): """ Default value that can be used as callback for index_header_func Args: df: the dataframe that will be used to build the presentation model Returns: a function table takes `node` as arguments and returns node.value """ def _value_func(node): return node.value return _value_func
[docs] @staticmethod def index_style_func(df): """ Default value that can be used as callback for index_style_func Args: df: the dataframe that will be used to build the presentation model Returns: a function table takes `node` as arguments and returns a openpyxl compatible style dictionary """ def _style_func(node): return OpenPyxlStyleHelper.get_style() return _style_func
[docs] @staticmethod def index_name_style_func(df): """ Default value that can be used as callback for index_name_style_func Args: df: the dataframe that will be used to build the presentation model Returns: a function table takes as arguments and returns a openpyxl compatible style dictionary""" def _style_func(index_name): return OpenPyxlStyleHelper.default_header_style() return _style_func
[docs] @staticmethod def index_name_value_func(df): """ Default value that can be used as callback for index_name_value_func Args: df: the dataframe that will be used to build the presentation model Returns: a function table takes as arguments and returns if not None, else '' """ def _value_func(index_name): return index_name or "" return _value_func
[docs]class XlsxWriterStyleHelper: """ Class provides style objects for XlsxWriter library uses to render xlsx files """ # good reference: # DOLLAR_FORMAT = '_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)' CENTS_FORMAT = '_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)' # without dollar sign, but has same rendering format for currency GENERAL_CURRENCY_FORMAT = '_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)' PERCENT_FORMAT = "0.00%" class CustomBorders: thin_white = dict(border_style=1, color="#FFFFFF") thick_white = dict(border_style=2, color="#FFFFFF") thin_black = dict(border_style=1, color="#000000") border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) left_border = dict( left=thin_black, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) right_border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thick_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) top_right_border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thin_black, top=thin_black, bottom=thin_white ) top_left_border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thin_black, top=thin_black, bottom=thin_white ) top_border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_black, bottom=thin_white ) bottom_right_border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thin_black, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_black ) bottom_left_border = dict( left=thin_black, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_black ) bottom_border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_black ) thin_border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white ) thin_black_border = dict( left=thin_black, right=thin_black, top=thin_black, bottom=thin_black ) thin_white_border = dict( left=thin_white, right=thin_white, top=thin_white, bottom=thin_white )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_header_style( *, number_format="General", alignment="center", font=None, bgColor="#4F81BD", border=SENTINEL, ): """ Provides styles for default headers for XlsxWriter engine Args: alignment: 'center', 'left', 'right' used for horizontal alignment font: an openpyxl.Font instance bgColor: hex color that will be used as background color in the fill pattern border: an openpyxl.Border instance, defaults to thin white border Returns: A dict of key-values pairs, where each key is a attr of the `cell` object in openyxl and value is valid value of that attr. """ if not font: font = dict(bold=True, color="#FFFFFF") if border is SENTINEL: border = XlsxWriterStyleHelper.CustomBorders.thin_white_border return dict( num_format=number_format, align=alignment, valign="vcenter", bold=font["bold"], font_color=font["color"], pattern=1, # 1 is solid in XlsxWriter bg_color=bgColor, top=border["top"]["border_style"], left=border["left"]["border_style"], bottom=border["bottom"]["border_style"], right=border["bottom"]["border_style"], top_color=border["top"]["color"], left_color=border["left"]["color"], bottom_color=border["bottom"]["color"], right_color=border["right"]["color"], )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_style(number_format="General", bg_color=None, border=SENTINEL): """ Helper method to return Style dictionary for XlsxWriter engine Args: number_format: an xlsx compatibale number format string bg_color: hex color that will be used as background color in the fill pattern border: an openpyxl.Border instance, defaults to thin white border Returns: A dict of key-values pairs, where each key/value is compatible with the `Format` object in XlsxWriter library. """ styles = dict(num_format=number_format) if bg_color: styles["pattern"] = 1 styles["bg_color"] = bg_color if border is SENTINEL: border = XlsxWriterStyleHelper.CustomBorders.thin_white_border border_attrs = dict( top=border["top"]["border_style"], left=border["left"]["border_style"], bottom=border["bottom"]["border_style"], right=border["right"]["border_style"], top_color=border["top"]["color"], left_color=border["left"]["color"], bottom_color=border["bottom"]["color"], right_color=border["right"]["color"], ) styles.update(border_attrs) return styles